How can I help?

There are many ways I can help constituents with problems or issues of concern.

There is a strict Parliamentary protocol which prevents me from intervening on behalf of another MP’s constituents. To find out if I am your MP, enter your postcode here before getting in contact.

Individual issues

I can help constituents with a wide range of individual issues. Generally I am able to help with any issue that falls under the responsibility of central government, such as problems with welfare benefits, immigration and health. There are some issues I am not able to help with, but my team will be able to offer advice on where you can find the help that you need.

Community support

As well as helping with individual issues I want to work closely with local organisations and stakeholders to improve our community. I can visit local businesses, schools and charities and offer my support where needed.

Policy issues

On a national level, if you have a policy issue that you want me to raise with the Government, there are a number of ways I can do this: via Parliamentary Questions, by speaking in debates and by writing to Government Ministers.


I am in the process of recruiting my staff team and setting up my constituency and parliamentary offices. Thank you for your patience during this initial phase.